July 23, 2020

You Signed Up. Now What?

Hey, there. We’re excited you’re part of our tribe. You’re now part of a select group looking to find purpose through generosity.

Atlanta, Forsyth County (GA), Cobb County (GA), Towns County (GA), Union County (GA), Chattanooga or Bradley County (TN), here’s what to expect.

  1. On Monday nights, you’ll get one text.
  2. There’ll be a link to a story in your community from a real person. Read the story and decide if you’d like to help.
  3. If you want to lend a hand, click the button and check out on Amazon. Choose the wish list address at checkout. It’ll be pre-populated with fun little asterisks next to it.
  4. Then, sit back, relax, and enjoy the fact that you just made a difference in your community. Feel free to share about meeting a need. It’s not bragging-it’s helping us spread the word!
  5. Repeat next week.

Not Listed Above Yet?

If your community’s not listed above, no worries! Since we haven’t made it quite yet to your local community, we have some other great ways to get involved.

  1. You can always visit your profile (just head to www.purposity.com) to meet needs. You’ll land on the state or community you’re subscribed to, and you can still just scroll down to see needs. It just means your community is currently your neighbors across the U.S.
  2. Follow. Like. Friend. Whatever your social media preference, be sure to look us up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Medium.
  3. Share. Share. Share. Did we say share? Let all your peeps know about us. It’s how we decide where to go next and start sending you weekly needs via text.
  4. If you’re really feeling stoked, you can also apply to be a local ambassador. That way, you’ll get cool insider news and be a bigger part of spreading the movement.

Cool Features You Need to Know About

Your Profile

Be sure to fill out your profile. It can be found in the upper right hand corner when you log in. Upload your favorite selfie or profile pic. Plus, once you start meeting needs, those stories live on your profile. Having a bad day? Just head here to reread all about the people you’ve helped. Trust us. It’s an instant pick-me-up.

Tax Receipting

So, taxes aren’t our most favorite thing in life either. But, at least we’re making them a bit less painful for you. On your “profile” tab, you can print out a pdf of all the donations you’ve made annually, making tax time a breeze…at least when it comes your Purposity giving.

Got Questions?

We try and make this easy. But, there are always questions from amazing people like you. Just give us a shout at hello@purposity.com. We’re always happy to hear from you!

More good news

Part Four: Four Ways Technology Strengthens Human Connection

Gaming has been shown to build stronger connections. Now, we’re not giving you an excuse to lock yourself in a dark room for days on end, ignoring the world. But, the Pew Research Center found gaming an integral part of connectivity for teens, especially boys. For online teen gamers, 78% say gaming makes them feel more connected to friends they already have. That number represents 42% of teens between ages 13 and 17. Over half say they feel more connected to gamers who aren’t their offline friends. For 38% of boys who game, their handle is among the first three pieces of information they share with someone they’re hoping to befriend. That’s significant.

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Part Three: Four Ways Technology Strengthens Human Connection

Empathy is the root of human connectivity. It helps us overcome distrust and build a sense of understanding and connection with others. It creates a bond with those from whom we differ which is critical in a deeply-polarized world. In the real world, we tend to stick to what we know, among those that are most like us. But, online, we’re exposed to other points-of-views, ways of life and beliefs. This is a powerful tool…especially when it comes from friends and those we admire.

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Part Two: Four Ways Tech Strengthens Human Connection

As Katerina Fake explains it, the idea of creating Flickr came from a search to find others interested in her favorite author. Living in New Jersey, there weren’t many people interested in debating the works of Jorge Luis Borges. But, an online forum connected her to a community of Borges’ admirers in Europe, allowing her to feel like part of a community. From that feeling, Fake later went on to create several technologies to build online community. She wanted to share that feeling with others. Flickr is arguably the forefather of social media as we know it, and it sprang from the need to connect.

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